Ikana canyon well
Ikana canyon well

ikana canyon well

Nerfing him was still a baffling change though all they needed was to make it clear that waking him up would lead to a pursuit challenge. Tell me: were you surfacing often to avoid attacks, the mines, or both? Or was it just to make it easier to keep track of where Gyorg was or something like that? I guess I figured that the eye was too elevated a hitbox for those attacks to work.Īh that makes sense. Navi actually trumped Tatl on something.who'd have thought? Hmm.Could be because there's no easy Warp Point there? Like, if you can't beat him before the day runs out, or something? That's about all I got *shrug*. Ah, forgive me! I did some experimenting, and it looks like you can fight him head-on! It's not the easiest or quickest way, but they still let you! It's not a for sure thing, but he thrashes about randomly enough that you're bound to tag him at some point-you can also use the Goron Pound for this purpose, since it has AoE. Tatl could've at least told me about them in advance like Navi did in Ocarina of Time." It's funny that should've been quite the jump-scare considering all that, but I wasn't even startled I was just thinking, "Seriously there are Wallmasters in this game too? These things are nothing but annoying time-wasters. That said, getting suddenly grabbed by a Wallmaster because I was focused on Dampe and mistakenly read that there weren't any Wallmasters in Majora's Mask wasn't dull it was simply irritating. But yeah some intro text would probably have helped, and there already is a sign next to him saying to wake him and beat his challenge and he'll remove the ring of fire around the treasure chest that's on the roof of Dampe's house. It's easily retriable by just leaving the area and coming back (and there's a hole in the ground nearby for that). Honestly, even if you know going in (as I did), you probably will fail the first time if my attempt is any indication, as chasing an enemy through a guantlet is one the player hasn't been challenged on yet. They added an entirely underwater (unless you used ice arrows beforehand) second phase, and don't let you fight him head-on as Zora Link?! Why?!įorgot about what? The house using a music player to scare off Gibdos, or being able to use Tatl to interrogate Sakon? I look forward to Twinmold probably being somewhat simplistic but still fun.Īh, so your only options in the second phase are mines and arrows. Being able to treat him like a bullfight (with Link's sword as the cape) would've been so much easier and less janky. As for the 2nd phase, how did you manage to hurt him with the spin attack?! I had to keep rapid-firing arrows and desperately trying (and failing) to dodge and just hoping for the best. The first phase was fine, if a bit tedious no matter what method you use. Yeah the way they inflate like a balloon just looks silly.

ikana canyon well

Good! People probably just find it dull, more than anything-I know I do.Īh.

ikana canyon well

It's especially strange, given that all the actually tough mini-bosses (Igos du Ikana for example) are completely unchanged. I can only figure that most folks failed their first time, due to how suddenly he gets up and goes, but.I think they solved that just by adding in intro text ("Prove your worth and catch me while passing through my walls of flame", or something like that). The decision to nerf him is the most baffling change out of all of them. Yeah, unless you make an ice platform and pelt him with arrows (has to be done before he sinks the platform), you still need to use the mines-some guys just dislodge them by swimming into them, rather than shielding from a kneeling position. Heck, even regular Spin Attacks might be good, since they make the camera pan overhead. His 2nd phase was actually pretty fun, once I got good at doing Quick Spins-I'd tag him as he dashed by. I liked how there was both a slow but easy way (Hookshot spam) to beating his first phase, and a fast but risky way of doing it (Blast Mask + Bomb Throws). It's why for that video, I needed to be right on the backward edge of the lily pad to go as far as I did.Įh, the jerky way they move and inflate is a bit silly looking, and they don't serve any functional purpose. So a Spin Dash from a standing position will still be relatively slow, compared to one when Link has some momentum. As far as I can tell, it sort of increases along with the walk speed.

Ikana canyon well